Welcome to our Doors Open 2021 Kingston! Be part of that unique behind the scenes peeks within Kingston's cultural attractions!Limited behind-the-scenes tours of the Marine Museum's historic property at 55 Ontario Street, including both exterior and interior features. Built in 1890, the Dry Dock and Engine House designed by Chief Engineer Henry Perley was later added to during the wars, and contributed to Kingston's shipbuilding industry for well over 60 years.The Museum provides an opportunity for the public to explore the property's historical features and the Museum's vision for the future with their staff. This is an opportunity to see and learn first-hand the importance of this property to Kingston's heritage and how the Museum intends to preserve it for future generations.Our Doors Open Tours are set up to follow health and safety guidelines as outlined in the Step 3 – Reopening Ontario legislation and KFL&A Public Health Unit specific protocols. Each of our participating sites has outlined their capacities and available tickets numbers are based on their input.Please remember to bring an appropriate face mask or covering as recommended by the Kingston Public Health Unit. A small supply of masks will be available for each tour and hand sanitizer for your use.Tours are scheduled from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and allowing time for cleaning and sanitizing between tours. Please click here to register for a tour: