Experience the dynamic rhythms of West Africa with master percussionist Fana Soro. In bilingual workshops, Fana introduces participants to traditional playing techniques of the djembé, the region’s most popular drum. Hailing from Côte d'Ivoire, he now lives in Ottawa and conducts workshops in dance and music through MASC (Multicultural Arts for Schools and Communities). Cap off your musical experience with a short tour of Protection and Social Harmony in the Art of West and Central Africa.The workshop is suitable for children 6+, withadult accompaniment. Space is limited.Fee: Adults $8, Seniors $6, Children $4.Members $6, $4, $2.There are two workshop sessions, one from 11:30am-12:30pm and the other from 1:00pm-2:00pm.Please call 613-533-2190 to register. (Photo of Fana Soro courtesy of MASC)