It can be overwhelming and challenging to respond and react appropriately when people are in a heightened emotional state. This workshop teaches least intrusive, preventative de-escalation approaches from a trauma-informed perspective. Participants will learn about Trauma and Violence Informed Care (TVIC) principles and how they can be used towards prevention. We will discuss how trauma and stress impact brain development and behaviour. After exploring resiliency and practicing strengths-based approaches, participants will be able to mobilize these techniques for prevention, intervention, and de-escalation. We will explore our own conflict style and learn how to lean on unfamiliar styles when appropriate. Throughout, we will practice trauma informed intervention and de-escalation techniques that can assist to counter-act natural “fight-flight-freeze” instincts in a professional setting.This 5 part workshop (May 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12, 2021 – 10:00 am – 12:00 pm) will be facilitated by Karmyn Marsh, BSc. Kamryn Marsh has over 12 years of experience in non-profit front-line service delivery, program development and governance that informs their trainings and facilitation. Currently, Kamryn works at KEYS Job Centre where they facilitate mentoring opportunities for youth (age 16-30), with a special focus on single-arrival refugees. Outside of KEYS, in their activist and non-profit work, Kamryn works with many diverse groups of all ages including survivors, LGBTQ+ peoples, those struggling with homelessness, people living with addictions, those with complex trauma, indigenous people of many nations, immigrants, refugees, youth, and other activists. Kamryn is skilled in conflict de-escalation as well as mental health crisis and suicide intervention which they apply personally and professionally. In their free time, Kamryn enjoys swimming, yoga, meditation, singing, and hiking.Registration is limited, KAM members - $35; Non-Members - $55 (plus HST). Registration links to Eventbrite - Click Here! Please contact info@kingstonmuseums.ca with inquiries.